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Monday, October 17, 2011

Java Async IO Package

We need Async IO Package for sheer performance and scalability!
Performance and scalability are key attributes of the IO system for IO-intensive applications. IO-intensive applications are typically, although not exclusively, server-side applications. Server-side applications are characterized by the need to handle many network connections to many clients and also by the need to access many files to serve requests from those clients. The existing standard Java facilities for handling network connections and files do not serve the needs of server-side applications adequately. The and packages provide synchronous IO capabilities, which require a one-thread-per-IO-connection style of design, which limits scalability since running thousands of threads on a server imposes significant overhead on the operating system. The New IO package, java.nio, addresses the scalability issue of the one-thread-per-IO-connection design, but the New IO select() mechanism limits performance.

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